From January 1, the new exhaust emission test directive comes into force, which provides for mandatory particle counting on all Euro 6/VI vehicles with compression ignition engines. This adaptation of the directive is of positive significance for the Allgäu-based company Knestel Technologie und Elektronik in two respects.
So not only people and the environment benefit from the new measurement parameter of particle counting as part of the exhaust emission test. Science and institutes also benefit from particle measuring devices that have been further developed to be suitable for large-scale production, especially according to the robust diffusion charging method that works without consumables.
Even though he is convinced of the precision and technological leadership of his products, an award as a reference tool at METAS not only pleases the management, but is virtually considered a prestigious accolade for the entire development team of the company.
In addition to the market-ready modular particle measurement technology consisting of a charging module, sensor module, ion separator and Volatile Particle Remover (VPR), KNESTEL is also bringing into play a transportable calibrator that can be used to calibrate exhaust particle measurement equipment, including in workshops.

With KNESTEL as a strong partner, esz AG offers all automotive companies a technically and legally secure all-in-one solution for the calibration of particle counters, developed and produced in the Allgäu region of Germany.
SYSKAP, esz AG’s system solution for accredited calibration of exhaust particle measuring devices in esz AG’s authorized representative system, fulfills the legal requirements quickly, safely and effectively.
“We are pleased about the strong partnership with esz AG and a new technology field in which we were able to successfully establish an expert status at an early stage!”, says Robin Mann, Product Manager for the Particle Measurement Technology Division.
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