The project goal was to develop and manufacture an efficient and cloud-based irrigation controller. On the hardware side, an energy-saving field module (FM) was developed that controls actuators and enables the connection of local sensors. Thanks to energy-saving electronics, the FM can be operated completely self-sufficiently with a battery and a solar panel. Using LoRa technology, any number of FMs can communicate wirelessly with an edge controller (EC). Equipped with an LTE module, the cloud-based backend is reached via the Internet. For system security, upcoming sequences are stored in the ZM so that irrigation works even without a connection to the backend. The backend is the heart of the project, here algorithms are working which enable a cost-saving irrigation. Redundant server systems guarantee availability close to 100%.
The frontend is realized via a progressive WebApp. Via this the automated irrigation can be planned, controlled and managed. In case of an error, be it a defective valve or a sensor exceeding a limit value, users can be informed via push notification. Different user levels allow access to many users and protect against unauthorized access.
KNESTEL Technologie & Elektronik GmbH
Osterwalder Straße 12
D-87496 Hopferbach
Phone: +49 (0) 83 72 – 70 80
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